Opinion: Fair Iraqi Journalism

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Opinion: Fair Iraqi Journalism

Al-Sabah is a daily independent publicly owned newspaper.

Friday, 9 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraqi journalists are well known for their commitments to national values and for their interests in both the people and the country. They have contributed to helping the majority of poor and marginalised people in the national fight against the imperialists over the past several decades. The recent reports that some Iraqi journalists received money from the Americans to promote US forces in their military and non military actions deteriorates the fair reputation of the journalists by portraying them as American servants. The fact that all should know is that after the American occupation of Iraq, some intruders presented themselves to the Americans as journalists. They penetrated the world of journalism by forming associations such as the "Baghdad Journalism Club" and the "Media Connecting Team." None of them have membership cards from the Iraqi Journalists’ Association. Both of the associations are American and were created to serve the US civil and military interests. The unfair campaign against decent Iraqi journalists should not just pass without notice The Journalists' Association should ask all bodies responsible for the defamation of Iraqi journalists to apologise for their cruel acts.
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