Opinion: The Detainees

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari.

Opinion: The Detainees

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari.

Friday, 10 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The terror issue is the biggest that the government is facing, and the authorities have arrested many terrorists and achieved progress in this regard. Security forces have conducted raids that helped reduce terrorist acts. The public and political parties should thank the government for this because terrorism excludes no one. Innocent people who have nothing to do with terrorism may be mistakenly or unintentionally arrested. The government should free them and punish those members of the security forces who abused innocent Iraqis. Just as security forces work to protect people from terror, they should work to protect innocent people as well. Some political parties asked the government to free all of the detainees. But this is not logical because it would revive terrorism, and terrorists would feel that there is someone defending them. It sounds logical if they asked to free those who were arrested by mistake. Parties connecting themselves to terrorism are making a big mistake and are (playing) two sides of the same coin. They must revise their position before it is too late for them, and the people reject them.
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