Opinion: Dancing with the Devil

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Opinion: Dancing with the Devil

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Friday, 24 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The outer and inner forces of darkness have come together to kill both life and truth in Iraq. Some of the Arab elite and educated individuals who supposedly defend reality and humanity stood with that unholy alliance to distort the images of goodness, beauty and justice. They diverted from their morals and embraced dictatorial regimes. The best example of that was the scandal notorious oil-for-food scandal. The secret letters of former intelligence officers revealed that many writers and journalists like Mustafa Bakri, Abdul Bari Atwan, and Faisal al-Kasim were involved in scandal. (The former Iraqi government reportedly paid the writers from oil revenues to show solidarity with the regime). Those people will find themselves in the garbage of history, as did their ancestors who sold themselves to the devil and betrayed their nation.
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