Opinion: Damn Us All

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Opinion: Damn Us All

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Friday, 14 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Buratha is not merely a mosque; it is a religious meeting place that draws pilgrims from all over the world. It is the place where Imam Ali and his two sons, Imams Hassan and Hussein, (peace be upon them all) visited. The bloodshed at Buratha (last week, in which 78 people were killed)) was not the blood of the worshippers; it was the blood of all Muslims, Christians and other religious groups. The killing of the innocent worshippers in that ugly way proves one thing: Those who carried out the assassinations are nothing but villains who have no belief or religion. They believe only in killing and destruction. If this is the only way to oppose the occupiers, I, with no hesitation, prefer to keep the occupiers than to have such people rule us and take control of the country. I will not care for those who will accuse me of sectarianism or siding with the occupiers. The people are a higher priority than the country's issues. Without the people, there is no value to the land. Those who attacked the Sunni and Shia mosques and the shrines have no values, and they are nothing more than the scum of society who need to be rejected by all.
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