Opinion: The Country's Adversity

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Opinion: The Country's Adversity

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Friday, 12 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Every day in Iraq constitutes an additional danger to my country; every night we continue staring at the TV, watching the news of Iraq on the Arab satellites stations. They depict Iraq as a funeral that they continue to defend. When we leave our homes to go to work, we pray to God for safety for Iraq and Iraqis, but what we see on the streets is unbearable. The Iraqi bloodshed continues as parliament's sessions are continuously postponed. We do not know the pain of Iraqi widows, orphans and other innocent citizens. (As they suffer,) a political conflict continues as politicians fight for (ministerial) seats and to gain personal interests at the expense of the poor and naïve. We know they are only talking about patriotism and not acting on it, and they know nothing about the national unity they keep promising.
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