Opinion: To the Coalition ... Highly Confidential

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari, a leader in the United Iraqi Alliance.

Opinion: To the Coalition ... Highly Confidential

Al-Bayan is issued four times weekly by the Islamic Dawa Party, chaired by Iraqi prime minister Ibrahim al-Ja'afari, a leader in the United Iraqi Alliance.

Friday, 10 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Independent Electoral Commission in Iraq has not yet ratified the final results, but this is not the issue that most Iraqis are concerned about. They instead debate the issue of the prime minister. It is said that the new prime minister will not have any authority because the United Iraqi Alliance will rule. Instead, he will act in name only. This upsets all Iraqis, who enthusiastically trust the alliance. They hope that it will not forget the suffering of people and will work to solve their problems soon. I would like to now draw the alliance's attention to the Iraqi street's demands regarding the new prime minister's nomination and the qualifications he should have. They include fairness, steadiness, efficiency and patriotism. He should not be biased toward any sect or ethnic group. I think many of the alliance members might possess these qualifications. Those who lack them must withdraw so that the elections are honourable. It is time to have the right person in the right position.
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