Opinion: Checkpoints Exacerbate Traffic Jams

Al-Mada, Sep, 18, 2006 By Mohammed Shafeeq

Opinion: Checkpoints Exacerbate Traffic Jams

Al-Mada, Sep, 18, 2006 By Mohammed Shafeeq

Friday, 22 September, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Main streets, side roads and even major highways are plagued with traffic jams that bring traffic to a halt for hours on end. The government appears ignorant of the daily irritations this causes. The situation is made worse by the installation of checkpoints on bridges, with cement roadblocks that hinder the movement of vehicles. These roadblocks were used at the beginning of the Baghdad security plan, but removed after public complaints of the people. The government needs to work in the interests of the people, so that there is a sense that action is being taken and improvements effected.
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