Opinion: The Bullet and the Word

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Opinion: The Bullet and the Word

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institution for Media and Cultural Investments.

Friday, 3 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

This is the way things go in Iraq: Riots and disorder are everywhere; doctors and professors are killed and kidnapped; and noticeable elite is emerging. The ignorant adopt (violence) because they know nothing but the language of the bullet and lack dialogue skills. When an individual cannot convince the people to agree with his opinions by using logic, he uses violence. This method is regarded as the worst means ever to have ever existed in negotiations. We rid ourselves of dictatorship but fell in the quagmire of those connected to the medieval ages. Killing a professor, a doctor or a writer means that we are back in the dark ages and that we are nothing but gangs that kill whomever disagrees with us. Targeting the elite shows the big role they play in society. The criminals are afraid of them, even though they have no weapons except their words and thoughts. We denounce the killing of professors and bet that the noble and decent word will remain stronger than the sound of a bullet.
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