New Government's Top Priority: Eradicating Terrorism

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

New Government's Top Priority: Eradicating Terrorism

Al-Iraq al-Yoom is a weekly newspaper issued by Isra Shakir.

Tuesday, 9 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The Independent Gathering of Iraq's Competent People secretary-general, Ali al-Dabbagh, said the government's top priorities are to spread security, eradicate terrorism, accelerate the rebuilding of Iraq and establish democratic organizations that guarantee prosperity. He said that Iraqis succeeded in narrowing the gaps that stopped the formation of the new government. He said the government would be run transparently and would eradicate terrorism that hurt the people. Dabbagh maintained that there are three types of terror: (al-Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Musab) al-Zarqawi's gangs that kill the people with car bombs; remnants of the former regime who lost power; and terrorism from outside of the borders and from some Arab neighbouring states.
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