Muqtada wants joint Shia-Sunni endowment ministry

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institute for Media and Cultural Investments.

Muqtada wants joint Shia-Sunni endowment ministry

Al-Mashriq is published daily by Al-Mashriq Institute for Media and Cultural Investments.

Wednesday, 1 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The young Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called for the establishment of one Iraqi endowment ministry that would look after both Shia and Sunni religious properties, replacing the current separate agencies. He added that the occupiers are feeding sectarian conflict through the two endowments. But if forming a shared ministry proves impossible, Sadra proposes establishing a joint religious committee made up of Shias and Sunnis to oversee the holy shrines. He once again called on Iraqi people to display unity and to confront sectarianism and violence.
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