Move to bring Basra fuel to Iraqi Kurdistan via Iran

Kurdistani Nwe is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Move to bring Basra fuel to Iraqi Kurdistan via Iran

Kurdistani Nwe is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Tuesday, 8 August, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Fuel shortages have led to growing discontent in Iraqi Kurdistan and Erbil province in particular. Erbil governor Nawzad Hadi told Kurdistani Nwe that the local authorities were planning to deal with the problem by getting fuel from Basra, but admitted there were logistical difficulties, "According to our information there is enough fuel in Basra oil refineries, but because of instable security in the southern and middle parts of Iraq, [it] cannot be brought via roads [through these regions]." The authorities now plan to ask Iran whether the fuel can be transported from Basra to Kurdistan via Iran.
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