Moth Attack in Tajik Capital

Doctors in Dushanbe are seeing more and more patients complaining of allergic reactions after touching the moths which have invaded the capital.

Moth Attack in Tajik Capital

Doctors in Dushanbe are seeing more and more patients complaining of allergic reactions after touching the moths which have invaded the capital.

Friday, 14 August, 2009


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Khurshid Duraksh reports that unwary residents attracted to the Turkestan brown-tail moths, which despite their name have beautiful pure-white wings, have been affected by rashes and sneezing caused by hairs on the insect.

Health officials say the effects are neither lasting nor dangerous.

The real damage is done when the species is still at the caterpillar stage, when it strips the leaves off trees and kills them. The authorities are reluctant to treat trees with chemicals because of the health risks to people.

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