Mosul Students Strike Over Arrest of Union Leader

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Mosul Students Strike Over Arrest of Union Leader

London-based Azzaman is issued daily by Saad al-Bazaz.

Thursday, 20 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Mosul University students went on strike to protest for US forces to free the head of the student union, Bashar Mohammed Hamid. US forces arrested him last Thursday and have refused to free him. Yehia Abid Mahjoob, head of the Iraqi youth and students league's Mosul branch, said 80 percent of the students have boycotted attending the university to protest Bashar's arrest. He said they will boycott attending university all of next week if Mosul governorate officials do not take any action to release him. He said the Americans are responsible for his colleague's safety.
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