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Iraq's Outcasts

Many orphans and other poor children are forced into begging and prostitution.

House Arrest Saddam-Style

Iraqis are discovering that their neighbours' ordinary homes had been converted to Ba'athist torture centres.

Iraqi Farmers Face Uncertain Future

With ordnance literally sown into the land, and many farmhouses destroyed by both sides, Iraqi farmers are unable to harvest without substantial aid.

Prosecuting the Ba'ath

In a test case for post-Saddam justice, Kurdish police have arrested a party official accused of a triple murder.

Private Justice

Frustrated by the failure of coalition authorities to arrest criminals and former Ba'athists, some Iraqis are taking matters into their own hands.

Global Voices: Middle East & North Africa

Abdulmonam Eassa/Getty Images

Peacebuilding in Syria

Empowering Syrian women, youth, and marginalised groups, and increasing their participation in public and political life.
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Chris Hondros/Getty Images

Ten Years on from Tahrir Square: Freedom of Expression in the Middle East

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