Maliki: Saddam Execution Helpful for Iraq

London-based Asharq al-Awsat is a pro-Saudi paper issued daily.

Maliki: Saddam Execution Helpful for Iraq

London-based Asharq al-Awsat is a pro-Saudi paper issued daily.

Thursday, 19 October, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Iraqi prime minister Noori al-Maliki has said he hopes the trial of Saddam will take a short time, and that he will be found guilty and sentenced to death - which will help Iraq. He was speaking at a joint press conference with the Shia hardline cleric Muqtada al-Sadir in Najaf yesterday. He said that by executing the former president, those wanting to come back to power under the umbrella of Saddam and Ba'ath party will lose their last card. The verdict for Dujail trial, in which Saddam is being prosecuted for the murder of 148 Shia in 1980s, is expected on November 5. Saddam and five of his assistants are also being tried for war crimes and genocide against the Kurds in 1988.
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