Local Oil Experts Underpaid

Syria Media Report, 12-Jun-08

Local Oil Experts Underpaid

Syria Media Report, 12-Jun-08

Thursday, 12 June, 2008


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The official newspaper Tishreen reports that Syrian oil experts are moving to better-remunerated jobs abroad because at home, they are paid much less that foreign expats.

In a June 5 article, the paper quoted a report by the oil workers’ union saying Egyptian oil experts are paid 3,000 US dollars a month when they come to work in Syria; Indians get 10,000 dollars and westerners up to 30,000 dollars. Syrian nationals, meanwhile, can only expect about 20,000 Syrian lira a month, the equivalent of 400 dollars.

The head of the oil workers’ union, Ali Muri, said the foreign contractors are supposed to stay for a maximum of four years, the aim being that they will train up locals, but their contracts are always extended.

The low pay is driving Syrians to find more lucrative jobs in the Arabian Gulf. Tishreen said that in 2006-07, 150 oil specialists left for Gulf countries.

It quoted the oil ministry as saying the Al-Furat Petroleum Company, a joint venture between Syria and Shell, India's Oil and Natural Gas Corporation and the China National Petroleum Corporation, wants to hire local experts to replace westerners, but is finding it cannot retain Syrian staff.
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