Kurdistan Share of Fuel Smuggled

Kurdistani Nwe issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Share of Fuel Smuggled

Kurdistani Nwe issued daily by Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Thursday, 9 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A source from the (Kurdistan Regional Government's) councils of ministries told Kurdistani New that the director of Beiji refinery discriminates against Kurdish areas and (favours) the rest of Iraq in sending fuel. According to the source, in three days the director has send more than one million litres of fuel to Salahaddin province, the same amount he had sent to Sulaimaniya in a week. "We have suspicious that the director of Beiji refinery is involved with smugglers to take fuel outside Iraq, especially to Syria, because fuel shortages in Mosul and Anbar provinces are less compared to the rest of the cities," the source said. Authorities said they will follow up the issue.
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