Kirkuk Issue

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Kirkuk Issue

Al-Taakhi is issued daily by the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

Tuesday, 14 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

United Iraqi Alliance member Salam al-Maliki said the coalition is obliged to put into effect Article 58 as is stated in the constitution. Article 58 deals with resolving the issue of Kirkuk. He added that negotiations are underway with the Kurdistan Alliance regarding the issue, and that they are discussing putting together a joint political platform. In the meantime, the coalition held negotiations with the Iraqi Accord Front, (a Sunni Arab opposition bloc.) Maliki said the government would be formed within one month. Maliki maintained that the coalition supports establishing federalism in the south, which will be different from that of the Kurdish (federal region in northern Iraq.)
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