Iraqi Hizbullah ready to take on shrine assailants

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Iraqi Hizbullah ready to take on shrine assailants

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Thursday, 23 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Al-Haj Hassan al-Sari, the head of the Hizbullah movement which is part of the [Shia-led] United Iraqi Alliance, has denounced as an “ugly crime” the bombing of the dome of [shrine] of the two Imams, Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askari, in Samarra. The attack targeted all Muslims and the entire Iraqi people, Sari said, adding that the Hizbullah movement was ready to fight the criminals if requestsed to do so by the Marjiyah [Shia clerical establishment]. He went on to say that certain political blocs are playing a double game - negotiating at a political level, and supporting terrorists at the same time – and he warned them of the consequences if they do not take a clear stand on these criminal acts. But he said that an escalation [in violence] would affect all Iraqis adversely.
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