Investigations into Jadiriya Jail

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Investigations into Jadiriya Jail

Al-Ittihad is published daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Monday, 19 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Deputy prime minister Roz Noori Shawes, head of the investigative committee looking into (torture and mistreatment allegations at) al-Jadiriya jail paid a visit to the notorious jail (in Baghdad.) He inspected the facility, which is connected to the ministry of interior, in order to properly deal with officials in charge of the jail who violated the rights of detainees there. Shawes added that all of the detainees are now in the custody of the judicial council, which will interview them and study their cases. (US forces reported they stumbled upon the secret jail, which held 170 detainees, last month.)
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