Interior Ministry Official: Iraqi Army Responsible for (Security) Problems

Asharq al-Awsat is a pro-Saudi daily newspaper published in London.

Interior Ministry Official: Iraqi Army Responsible for (Security) Problems

Asharq al-Awsat is a pro-Saudi daily newspaper published in London.

Tuesday, 25 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

An interior ministry official held the Iraqi army responsible for security problems in Baghdad neighbourhoods where the army took over security from US forces. The interior ministry official, who requested anonymity, answered the question about whether the defence ministry will take over security in some neighbourhoods in Baghdad by saying: "Honestly, all of the troubles and hardships come from the army, especially the recent events that happened in neighbourhoods under the control of the army. This matter has become clear, particularly with the problems in Shua'la and Ghazaliya neighbourhoods. There is a dangerous deterioration of security. All of this happens with the army's presence." Interior ministry officials, in statements to Asharq al-Awsat, also denied reports that Sunnis are fleeing Baghdad's outer neighbourhoods and suburbs.
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