Hamashi Not Allowed to Oversee Tribunal

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Hamashi Not Allowed to Oversee Tribunal

Al-Mada is issued daily by Al-Mada institution for Media, Culture, and Arts.

Thursday, 19 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The national de-Ba'athification board affirmed on Wednesday that Judge Saeed al-Hamashi is part of the de-Baathification campaign and therefore is not allowed to oversee the special tribunal trying former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and seven Ba'athists from his regime. De-Baathification board director-general Ali al-Lami added that the court also prohibits any former Ba'athist from chairing the court. Prosecutor Jafar al-Musawi said that Hamashi would chair the tribunal's next session following the resignation of Judge Rizkar Mohammed Amin. The judge resigned last week.
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