Government Shake-Up Continues

Government Shake-Up Continues

Thursday, 24 May, 2007


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

On May 21, Turkmen president Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov sacked his railways minister, Orazberdy Khudaiberdyev, blaming him “for serious shortcomings” such as poor staff discipline and delayed construction projects such as a new rail bridge over the Amu Darya.

Khudaiberdyev had held his post since 2003 under former president Sapurmat Niazov, and was simultaneously deputy prime minister for transport issues and head of the Turkmen Institute of Transport and Communications.

Deryaguly Muhammetgulyev, previously the first deputy ministry of railways, has stepped up to take Khudaiberdyev’s place with a six-month probation period.

In presidential decrees, Guychegeldy Hojaberdiev becomes head of the state committee for tourism and sport, replacing Deryageldy Orazov, who becomes mayor of Ashgabat.

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