Former Taleban minister says fighting will continue

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Former Taleban minister says fighting will continue

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Monday, 30 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

In the wake of the recent suicide attacks in the southern provinces of Kandahar and Helmand, former Taleban foreign minister Maulawi Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil has warned that the fighting will continue until the government and the Taleban are able to come to terms. “The fight will not stop until the hostility between the government and the Taleban is resolved at a domestic level,” said Muttawakil. In an exclusive interview for Radio Liberty, Muttawakil added, “If a solution is not sought for these disputes, the tactics will change and the violence will increase still further. That is why I think a fresh approach should be adopted in the negotiations between the two sides.” The former minister said, “If Afghans solve their own problems, then there will be no need to criticise neighbouring countries.”
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