Foreign troops unable to ensure security - Taleban

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Foreign troops unable to ensure security - Taleban

Erada is an independent daily run by the Afghan Media and Resource Centre.

Monday, 20 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Taleban insurgents claim that foreign troops are not able to ensure security in Afghanistan. Maulawi Sanaullah Abid, a Taleban commander in the southern province of Helmand, told Tolo TV that the foreign troops have come to Afghanistan for their own ends. He added that many people accused of war crimes have been appointed to senior government posts since United States troops came to Afghanistan. Abid, who leads more than 200 Taleban fighters in Helmand, specifically named General Abdul Rashid Dostum and Vice-President Karim Khalili, saying they were implicated in the deaths of thousands of Afghans.
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