Erbil Prison “Hides” Inmates From Scrutiny

Hawlati is issued weekly by the Ranj Print House.

Erbil Prison “Hides” Inmates From Scrutiny

Hawlati is issued weekly by the Ranj Print House.

Wednesday, 2 August, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

In a follow-up report, Hawlati has discovered evidence of torture at the Security Department in Erbil, and can reveal that prisoners are being concealed from the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC. A reliable source told Hawlati, "Two buildings that lie behind the General Security Building in Erbil and are now designated anti-terror prisons contain solitary-confinement cells which the ICRC failed to visit during a tour of the facility some months ago, because it was unaware that there were prisoners in them." According to this source, "On many occasions when the ICRC has visited the General Security Building, they have been made to wait in the reception for a while so that those prisoners whom security officials did not want to be seen could be hidden away."
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