Electoral Chief Promises Every Effort to Ensure Fair Poll

In the first of a series of interviews with actors in the forthcoming Tajik election, IWPR spoke to Muhibullo Dodojonov, administrative chief at the Central Electoral Commission.

Electoral Chief Promises Every Effort to Ensure Fair Poll

In the first of a series of interviews with actors in the forthcoming Tajik election, IWPR spoke to Muhibullo Dodojonov, administrative chief at the Central Electoral Commission.

Friday, 22 January, 2010
Dodojonov acknowledged that some election staff were not as professional as they could be, but training programmes were under way to make sure everyone was ready.

He said the electoral commission had already received some complaints from political parties and was investigating them.

Recent legislation means local government officials and election officers who interfere in the process will face penalties. The same goes for voters who break the rules, for example by cast ballots on other people’s behalf, said Dodojonov.

He expects around 500 election monitors to attend the polls, including teams from the OSCE, Commonwealth of Independent States and Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Registration of candidates ends on February 8, the prescribed 20 days before the election.

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