Editorial: When will the terrorists be stopped?

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Editorial: When will the terrorists be stopped?

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Friday, 12 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Five years have elapsed since the ousting of the Taleban regime, but unfortunately the Taleban still exist in some parts of the country. After the passing of winter, they stepped up their attacks on foreign and innocent local people. The terrorists are still active in our border regions. These criminals resort to killing innocent people, torching religious places and government institutions. Publicly raised questions about their activities include: Where do the terrorists get their funding? What do they want? But the answers are still vague. The ignorant terrorists cross borders and carry out subversive activities in our homeland. They want to create terror among people. They kill those who are engaged in the reconstruction process. Recently an Indian engineer who had come to help the Afghan people was kidnapped by atrocious murderers and was cruelly beheaded. They shout Islamic slogans, but in fact they are acting against Islam, a holy faith which instructs people to avoid killing others. The enemies of Afghanistan want to drag our country back to the years of conflict through their satanic actions. The international community supports us and has announced 10.5 billion US dollars within five years for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. It is obvious that peace and tranquility in our country have a positive impact on the world community. In our opinion, narcotics fund most of these terrorists. We believe that they are in error, and the Afghan people will never be fooled.
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