Editorial: We strongly condemn attacks on schools

Hewad is a state run daily mostly in Pashto.

Editorial: We strongly condemn attacks on schools

Hewad is a state run daily mostly in Pashto.

Friday, 27 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

According to recent reports, 200 schools have been closed down in southwestern provinces of the country. The closure of the schools came after terrorists began to target schools and teachers. A teacher was beheaded in Zabul, schools were set on fire in Helmand and Kandahar, and both teachers and students have been threatened in other provinces. The question arises: who are the people who have begun to close the doors of our schools? The answer is clear to everybody: the enemies of peace, stability and development who cannot bear to see the war-weary Afghans enjoying success. They do not want our children and young people to go to school and become doctors and engineers who can then help develop our country and lead it towards prosperity. They do not want Afghanistan to stand on its own two feet and become a free nation. Animosity towards education is the same as hostility to our religion, homeland and nation. We strongly condemn the attacks and threats against schools, which we regard as directed against our national interests. We want the nation, the government and the international community to prevent these criminal acts. They must not allow terrorists to close the doors of our schools.
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