Editorial: Thanks to Sayyid

Al-Sabah is a daily newspaper supported by the Iraqi government.

Editorial: Thanks to Sayyid

Al-Sabah is a daily newspaper supported by the Iraqi government.

Friday, 28 July, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Although the prime minister called for national reconciliation as part of his government's strategy, his government will not be successful unless reconciliation is produced and implemented rapidly and thoroughly. With Iraq's rich human and material resources, it needs nothing to succeed except security. The lack of security hampered implementing large service and urban projects. The urgent need for security that Maliki called for, starting with the reconciliation project, requires a daily review of the bloodshed. These killings don't pave the way for anything except sectarianism. The success of reconciliation -- which is the government's success -- should be supported by religious edicts and calls from all the religious Marjaiyas (top Shia clerics.) There should be a clear and honest ban on fighting and killing among people from the same country. This will help to minimize the obsessions of those who started the torture, expelling and killing of innocent people in the name of Allah. The Grand Ayatollah, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, called on all Muslims to reject violence and fighting. He declared that any crimes killing innocent civilians are not in line with Islam.
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