Editorial: Targeting Free Voices

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Editorial: Targeting Free Voices

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Friday, 1 September, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Once again, the terrorists have targeted al-Sabah in a new operation designed to kill more and more people. They seek to silence a newspaper that always tries to convey the truth to people. Once again, the innocent died - they had nothing to do with any party or sect, but had only their loyalty to this newspaper and the truth. Journalists in Iraq have become isolated: with no parties or government associations to defend them, and no law to establish their position in society, they have neither a base nor a cover to protect them. Iraqi journalists account for half of all those who suffer for freedom of expression all over the world. We at al-Sabah al-Jadeed denounce this criminal action, and we know that it targeted not only this paper but the whole media sector and all journalists in Iraq. We sympathise with the families of the victims. We are sure it will not be the last such act – it is one of many crimes that will be committed against free speech.
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