Editorial: Stop the school burners

Anis is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.

Editorial: Stop the school burners

Anis is a state-run daily published mostly in Dari.


Institute for War & Peace Reporting
Friday, 3 February, 2006
Our infrastructure was destroyed during the years of war and civil strife. Millions of our countrymen were disabled or killed. The nation’s property was reduced to ruins, and schools, the cradle of education, were destroyed and new generations were deprived of an education. But fortunately, after the [2001] transition a large number of schools were opened and the way was paved for future generations to learn to read and write. As the saying goes, when you open a school door, you close a prison door, since schools foster knowledge, education and morality. But the enemies of knowledge, education, Islam and humanity do not take this into consideration, and they continue burning and destroying schools. Afghans have never wanted to interfere with other people or other countries, nor do they want to create problems for the development of other countries. They have always wanted peace with the world, particularly with neighbouring countries. But there are some neighbouring countries which don’t want peace and security in our lovely country, and constantly try to sow anarchy under different names.
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