Editorial: Officials should seek new ways to ensure security

Hewad is a state run daily mostly in Pashto.

Editorial: Officials should seek new ways to ensure security

Hewad is a state run daily mostly in Pashto.

Friday, 20 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The terrorists have stepped up suicide attacks in recent days. Now it seems that they are targeting not only the military but also innocent civilians. There have been several blasts in Khost and Kandahar over the past few days. The biggest explosion since the end of the Taleban regime occurred in the Spin Boldak district of the southern province of Kandahar, which killed 20 and wounded dozens of others. These attacks show that the enemies of peace and stability have now resorted to suicide bombings. Such actions by terrorists and Taleban insurgents indicate that they are no longer able to disrupt the reconstruction process in the country. By carrying out such acts, they want, on the one hand, to show they are still present; and on the other, to create an atmosphere of fear among the people. While we believe that terrorist acts cannot break the national commitment and morale of the people, this does not mean that the relevant government agencies should not seek to prevent such attacks. We hope that the national and international military will find a way to resolve the security situation in the country as soon as possible.
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