Editorial: No military solution to Afghan security problem

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Editorial: No military solution to Afghan security problem

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Friday, 17 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The last four years are a good indication that there is no military solution to the security problems of this country. Violence has only increased. In speeches to parliament on February 11, the defence minister, the acting interior minister and the head of the national security directorate pointed the finger at foreign countries and said external involvement in the country’s affairs was the reason for the chaos. But this was just an effort to direct the blame away from themselves. There is no doubt that the militants’ cross-border infiltration fuels the insurgency, but the main reason for the increase in attacks lies within society. Those who hold positions of responsibility have failed to stop the killings and ensure security. Their poor performance is at fault. It is true that there is foreign intervention, but we cannot blame it for all our problems. The security apparatus, which receives the lion’s share of the national budget, should discharge its responsibilities effectively instead of trying to justify its failure using foreign intervention as an excuse. The gulf of distrust between people and government must be reduced, and an environment of cooperation between them should be built up.
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