Editorial: NATO determined to end insurgency

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Editorial: NATO determined to end insurgency

The Kabul Times is a state-run paper published in English every other day.

Friday, 23 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

December 18, 2005 The fact that NATO decided to send 6,000 more troops to Afghanistan indicates that the European Union is behind the legitimate Afghan government lock, stock and barrel as it attempts to end an insurgency abetted by a foreign country. This also means that in the corridors of power in Brussels and the European Parliament in Strasbourg, Afghanistan has many well wishers who want to see a peaceful country in a strategic location. It could again serve as a bridge between East and West as it did in the Middle Ages when the Silk Route passed through Afghanistan, connecting the Roman Empire with China. Afghanistan has always been a peaceful country except when attacked by neighbouring countries or conquerors like Alexander the Great, Amir Timur from Samarkand and Nader Shah Afshar from Mashhad. Present-day Afghanistan has also been mauled and smothered by various armies on their way to the mythical and legendary India. NATO deserves thanks for this timely gesture.
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