Editorial: Khalilzad: Beware of the Fire

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Editorial: Khalilzad: Beware of the Fire

Al-Bayyna is a weekly paper issued by the Hezbollah movement in Iraq.

Friday, 24 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

(US ambassador to Iraq) Zalmay Khalilzad has undertaken a project to stop a United Iraq Alliance-led Iraqi government even after Iraqis spoke in the elections. This has frustrated the evil power, which has try to ignite sectarianism and which is supported by the Arab and foreign forces that try to destroy the will of the people to choose their representatives. Since arriving in Iraq, the Afghani Khalilzad tried to place obstacles to a United Iraqi Alliance-led government by (saying that) America might accept or reject this leader and might approve or disapprove of that bloc. He tried to ignite a sectarian war among the Iraqi people by targeting the Shia interior minister, who successfully eliminated terrorism. The American pressure on the defence and interior ministries encouraged sectarian blocs to commit their deadly crimes. They targeted the Ali al-Hadi and Hassan al-Askeri shrine in Samarra, which Muslims in general and Shias particularly consider sacred. We warn America and the occupiers that the Middle East's oil will burst at any time, and America will be the first to suffer.
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