Editorial: Jerrycanistan

Hawlati is a Sulaimaniyah based independent weekly issued by Ranj Print House.

Editorial: Jerrycanistan

Hawlati is a Sulaimaniyah based independent weekly issued by Ranj Print House.

Friday, 4 August, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Any government that calls itself a government should provide for the basic needs of its citizens. This is why they call the government "Father of the People". The Kurdistan Regional Government, from the day it started working, it did not fulfil this duty. In some cases it even neglected its people. There are lots of cars but very bad roads. There are lots electricity poles, towers and cables but no electricity. There is fertile land, but agriculture is destroyed. We get Iranian tomatoes and Syrian cucumbers instead of our own. We have natural sources of drinking water in Kurdistan, but we import mineral water from Iran. Things that are available are not useful to the public, such as empty jerrycans for which fuel is too scarce and expensive. Jerrycans cover the mountains, the plains, the valleys and the main roads. It has become an ugly phenomenon. If you go to anywhere in this region, you do not find beauty but piles of empty jerrycans. If a foreigner visits this region and travels from Erbil to Suleimaniyah and then to Penjwen town and Garmyan, he would say Iraq must have a huge factory producing jerrycans. If things go on like that, I am sure that one day a big creature will come out of the ground with "The Country of Jerrycans" written on his chest. I don't ask the government to provide fuel for people. My demand is simpler. I would like to ask all the municipalities to clean the main roads of those empty jerrycans, because they are really ugly.
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