Editorial: The insurgency and the world community

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

Editorial: The insurgency and the world community

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

Friday, 28 April, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The past several months have been very eventful in terms of violence and assaults on the security forces. Most of the violence was concentrated in areas in the south dominated by the Taleban. Foreign troops involved in bloody combat with Taleban fighters are steadily trying to restore peace to Afghanistan. But despite their exertions, the insurgency in south has still not been annihilated. The ongoing war on terror has already caused innocent people to lose kith and kin in violent incidents, the risk levels are likely to persist. On April 23, British Defence Secretary John Reid reaffirmed his country’s commitment to see through its mission to make Afghanistan - and the world - safer places. “We never forget the immediate reason that brought us to Afghanistan,” he said. The commitment shown to rebuilding a country entirely ravaged by war have revived hope among its people – hope that had almost faded to nothing. With its troubled past, Afghanistan owes much to the world community for its timely assistance after the Taleban regime was ousted. An increase in the number of troops deployed in the south should dampen the rising momentum of the insurgency. Tough, rigorous use of power against the recalcitrant Taleban is the only way to triumph in the war against terror. The future of Afghanistan will depend principally in the swift restoration of peace and law and order. Prosperity cannot be expected to increase until serious measures are taken to bring peace. This is the only way to redress the worsening situation in Afghanistan.
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