Editorial: Indian engineer murder strongly condemned

Hewad is a state-run daily published mostly in Pashto.

Editorial: Indian engineer murder strongly condemned

Hewad is a state-run daily published mostly in Pashto.

Friday, 5 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Terrorists have committed another major crime. They kidnapped and later brutally killed an Indian engineer in the Shahr-e-Safa district of the southern province of Zabul. Terrorists beheaded the engineer and later dumped his decapitated body in a desert in the area. The murder once again shocked our people and sparked their anger against the terrorists. He was neither a military officer nor was he linked to any military organisations. He was a telecommunications engineer. He had left his country and come here to serve the Afghan nation. He spared no effort to develop telecommunication services in our war-ravaged country. But the enemies of peace and stability trampled everything and targeted the engineer who was playing an active role in the reconstruction of our country. Such killings are very much against the national and moral values of our country. Afghans respect guests greatly and that they are famous all over the world for their hospitality. Our war-weary people respect those foreign guests who help us in the reconstruction process of our country. It seems that the terrorists do not care about the national and moral values of our people. They [terrorists] do not believe in Afghan hospitality, and they carry out all kinds of illegal acts in order to reach their destructive goals. The historical enemy of Afghanistan is behind this brutal act, the enemy who cannot tolerate a developed, independent and free Afghanistan. We strongly condemn the attack and that we ask the concerned government organs to arrest the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
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