Editorial: Freeing Carroll

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Editorial: Freeing Carroll

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Friday, 3 February, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

The American freelance journalist Jill Carroll, who called herself "Zainab," was kidnapped (four) weeks ago near the headquarters of Ahlul al-Iraq Congress. Jill loves Iraq and Iraqis. All who believe in God and human principles should call for Jill's release. Killing her would negatively affect the political process because she professionally and truthfully writes about events (from Iraq) for the American people. We, as Iraqis, support the call of Adnan al-Dulaimi to free Jill. (Carroll went to meet with Dulaimi, a top Sunni Arab leader, and was kidnapped outside of his office.) Targeting journalists is not bravery. On the contrary, it reflects badly on us. We ask her kidnappers to free Jill and let her return to her decent job or join her terrified family. And we ask the al-Jazeera satellite channel to stop showing her in that miserable state, surrounded by her kidnappers. Fellowship (among journalists) means supporting friends in their crises and not showing their miseries and torture. I question whether al-Jazeera is practicing its journalistic duties.
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