Editorial: Expectations for the London conference

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

Editorial: Expectations for the London conference

Outlook is an independent daily published in English.

Friday, 27 January, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Afghanistan, Britain and the United Nations are to host a historic London conference to renew the foreign community's commitment to the peace and reconstruction process in Afghanistan, as set out in the [2001] Bonn accord. The international community is likely to use this event to reassure Afghanistan of its continued support as the country battles an increasingly bloody insurgency while trying to rebuild after decades of devastating war. Despite the presence of about 30,000 foreign troops, most of them hunting down militants, the insurgency launched after the 2001 toppling of the Taleban government has become more vicious, with around 20 suicide blasts in the past four months. Afghan president Hamed Karzai will present a five-year development plan to British prime minister Tony Blair, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and representatives of donor countries. From the beginning of the Karzai government, the fact that non-government organisations have had direct access to donors has been an issue, as has the government’s capacity to process funds transparently through the ministry of finance. Due to the lack of proper systems, donors have been unable to disburse funds directly through the ministry. The conference will be held on January 31 and February 1 in the heart of the British capital, London.
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