Editorial: Expectations and challenges for new parliament

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Editorial: Expectations and challenges for new parliament

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Friday, 23 December, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

December 21, 2005 Afghanistan’s first parliament in three decades was finally inaugurated in the presence of cabinet members, foreign dignitaries and diplomats here in Kabul on December 19. Though the people did not directly elect all the parliamentarians, and there were some shortfalls, the process is a good beginning after years of war and civil strife. The people are pinning their hopes on the parliament and hopefully it delivers. One question is whether the people will be able to monitor government’s performances through the parliament. Meanwhile, there are also concerns over overt and covert attempts by foreign groups and those with vested interests to impose tribalism in the national assembly. They should know that Afghans would not allow anyone wearing the mask of an intellectual to divide the people along ethnic and linguistic lines. Although, those with vested interests have deceived the world community over the past four years using the doctrine of tribalism they should know that their malicious designs have been exposed, and the nation will not allow them to further damage our national unity.
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