Editorial: The enemy strikes again

Hewad is a state-run daily mostly in Pashto

Editorial: The enemy strikes again

Hewad is a state-run daily mostly in Pashto

Friday, 25 November, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Reports of the murder of an Indian national have shocked the Afghan people. The enemies of peace, stability, security and reconstruction have once again committed a serious crime, killing someone who was neither a soldier nor an employee of the military, and was not working for any political goals. This man was an ordinary civilian who had come to our war-torn country to take part in the reconstruction process. The Indian national had been working in construction, which the poor Afghan nation needs more than anything else. He was busy building the Zaranj-Delaram highway, but the terrorists kidnapped and killed him brutally, beheading him. By taking this vicious action, the terrorists once again showed that Afghanistan’s national interests are of no concern to them. The killing of an innocent human being is also strongly condemned in the holy religion of Islam. Afghans are famous all over the world for their hospitality. Even though Afghans have a lot of problems, they try to welcome their guests warmly, but the terrorists ignored this and attacked a guest. We, the Afghan people, strongly condemn the murder of this Indian worker who had come to our war-ravaged country to reconstruct its roads.
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