Editorial: Dissatisfaction of the people and incomprehension of the authorities

Awene is a Sulaimaniyah-based independent newspaper issued weekly by the Awene Company.

Editorial: Dissatisfaction of the people and incomprehension of the authorities

Awene is a Sulaimaniyah-based independent newspaper issued weekly by the Awene Company.

Friday, 11 August, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

People are dissatisfied but do the authorities comprehend the ongoing demonstrations? Do they understand that people can't bear being treated unfairly and remain silent? The demonstrations will spread because they are a wave of frustration of youth who feel neglected and deprived, and feel unfairness and injustice that has destroyed their lives. People are fed up with grand words and want the government to provide them with a decent life, in terms of the basics such as power supply, education and health services and job opportunities. The Kurdish government should realise that widespread corruption is the source of the unrest and not suggest that the there are "hidden hands" behind each demonstration. The protests should take place in a peaceful and organised way. And in return the authorities should deal with them respectfully - because their suppression will not get them out of this crisis.
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