Editorial: Call for Rapid Solutions

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Editorial: Call for Rapid Solutions

Al-Sabah al-Jadeed is an independent daily paper.

Friday, 8 September, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

As the violence escalates, people have lost faith in promises that it will come to an end. They have run out of patience. Whenever there is a sign of light at the end of the tunnel, American and other western media depict the situation as if civil war was about break out at any more. They suggest that Iraqis are doomed to sectarian and civil warfare. Meanwhile, our neighbours do not help resolve the crisis but just look on as the bloodshed – the work of people who have slipped over the border into Iraq - continues. Despite the prolonged chaos, these states have shown no sign of assisting the reconciliation project. It seems they are busy with more important matters. We hope that those involved in the reconciliation plan will realise that every day that passes without a solution being reached means more loss of life, and less of a chance of bridging the gaps that divide the various actors in the process. As well as being surrounded in pessimism, the reconciliation process is proceeding too slowly. The argument that the groundwork for the plan has not been done adequately will no longer wash with people who want to wake up one day and see the nightmare at an end.
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