Editorial: Bush, Musharraf and Terrorism

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Editorial: Bush, Musharraf and Terrorism

Cheragh is an independent daily run by the Development and Democracy Association.

Friday, 10 March, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

United States president George. Bush can help curb Pakistani intelligence’s interference in Afghanistan by putting pressure on the country’s military ruler Pervez Musharraf. When Bush visited Pakistan recently, he called on Musharraf to prevent the militants from infiltrating Afghanistan. The United States can undoubtedly play an effective role in improving Kabul-Islamabad relations, which have been damaged by Pakistan’s support for the militants. A strained relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan cannot be in the interests of either. President Bush’s visit proved fruitful for the region if he convinces Islamabad to abandon its support for the Taleban and terrorists. With mediation from Washington, Afghan-Pakistani relations improved following the collapse of the Taleban regime four years ago. If this had not happened, the leaders of the Northern Alliance which helped the United States oust the Taleban might have never shaken hands with Pakistan. It is for the directors of Afghanistan’s foreign policy establishment to outline a policy based on national interest. Otherwise, the terrorists will seize hold of Afghanistan, and we will have to rely on the world community rid us of the terrorist menace.
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