Diwaniya Governor: No Need for Foreign Forces

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Diwaniya Governor: No Need for Foreign Forces

Tareek al-Shaab is issued by the Iraqi Communist Party.

Monday, 22 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Diwaniya province governor Khalil Jalil Hamza said foreign forces on the outskirts of the Diwaniya are not needed to maintain security and stability in the province. He said the Iraqi police and army were capable of handling security and knew how to treat the Iraqi people better than the foreign forces, whom (he said) only knew how to use violence with people. He called on all civil society organizations as well as political and religious parties to fight any security breaches so that foreign forces would not have the grounds to enter the city. Meanwhile, Diwaniya police chief Abdul Abbas Shalal called on the public to support police to stop the saboteurs who want to ignite conflict and split the province's citizens.
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