Communicating Justice Issues in the Balkans

Print and radio journalists across the region trained how to report on highly sensitive transitional justice subjects, such as war crimes trials and reconciliation.

Communicating Justice Issues in the Balkans

Print and radio journalists across the region trained how to report on highly sensitive transitional justice subjects, such as war crimes trials and reconciliation.

Tuesday, 26 October, 2010

Identify Issues

There is a general lack of awareness in the European Union and the Balkans about how this war-torn region is rebuilding and dealing with the deeply divisive issues of peace-building, reconciliation and transitional justice.

Build Journalism

IWPR’s Balkans programme has trained both print and radio reporters on the intricacies of reporting on war crimes trials and reconciliation issues. These deeply divisive and polarising issues need careful, factual, and balanced coverage.

Report News

Under an agreement with Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, IWPR trained reporting teams to produce a weekly half hour radio programme, called Facing Justice. Concentrating on war crimes trials and issues surrounding them, Facing Justice has had a positive impact on the region and is regarded as one of the few trusted sources of news and commentary.

Raise Awareness

Facing Justice has broadened its audience over the past several years. Nearly one million people in the region now tune in once a week to listen to its half-hour programme. It has helped listeners in the Balkans affected by the conflicts of the 1990s to understand the past through the process of transitional justice and its effects on society.

Make an Impact

The entire region has benefited from IWPR’s reports on the trials and their aftermath. IWPR has been cited by the EU as playing a significant role through its fair and balanced reports, contributing to the reconciliation and peace building process.

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