Briefly Noted...

That strangest of legal beasts, the amicus curiae, is now up to its full strength of three members in the Milosevic trial, with the appointment of Australian law professor Timothy McCormack.

Briefly Noted...

That strangest of legal beasts, the amicus curiae, is now up to its full strength of three members in the Milosevic trial, with the appointment of Australian law professor Timothy McCormack.

Friday, 29 April, 2005


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Last month, a previous Dutch amicus, Mikhail Wladimiroff, resigned after giving an interview to a local newspaper in which he suggested Milosevic's tactics were self-destructive.

Professor McCormack is a seasoned lawyer, working closely with the Red Cross and with the Australian government, and joins The Hague from a job as Foundation Australian Red Cross Professor of International Humanitarian Law at the University of Melborne's law faculty.

The current anonymous witness at the Milosevic trial, C-061, is certainly generating excitement with his "insider" testimony gleaned from experience in the corridors of power - so much so that people keep forgetting not to mention his name in court.

First Milosevic let slip the defendent's second name, then this week British trial judge May joined in, addressing C-061 by his second name.

In fact, most of the seasoned reporters covering the trial had already pieced together the defendant's identity, and are cross with his decision to stay in the shadows because the juiciest testimony, which would reveal his identity, must take place behind closed doors.

A judicial order is in place forbidding journalists from mentioning the name in their stories - no matter how many times it keeps coming up in court.

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