Ayala: All of Kirkuk's Displaced Kurds Should Return to the City

Kurdistani Nwe is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Ayala: All of Kirkuk's Displaced Kurds Should Return to the City

Kurdistani Nwe is issued daily by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.

Wednesday, 31 May, 2006


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

A Socialist International delegation led by secretary Louis Ayala visited the city of Kirkuk on Tuesday and was received by Jalal Jawhar; the head of Kirkuk's Patriotic of Union organization centre. He held meetings with leaders there about the latest development regarding Kirkuk, (which Kurdish leaders want to be reincorporated into Iraqi Kurdistan.) He said in the meeting that all Kurds that were displaced from the city (under Saddam Hussein's former regime) should be able to return to the city.
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